373 Final: Sprint 4

     Sprint 4 I spent the majority of my time UVing. I had a pretty mixed experience with this as the ship went super smoothly and I did not encounter any major issues. I was even able to optimize the model even more, deleting a lot more internal faces that would not be seen by the viewer.

Regarding the props, I UVed the crate, zipline, and the hut. I don't believe this is final, as some of the UV space feels wasted and not particularly optimized. I also plan on doing a additional model which will also share the same UV space, hopefully contributing to using this map more thoroughly and efficiency.

Far less minor work, but equally important, was refining and separating components of the crate, as well as changing the anchor points and locations of the joints, so the model can be far more easily animated later on.

The ship is separated into two different UV groups. The primary engine and the front being one, and the middle, tail, fin, and back engines being the second. The reason I chose to separate the model into 2 different UV maps, was because it is by far our largest of our highly detailed models. The player will be able to get very close to the ship, so it's important that the detail isn't too compressed by having all the components share one UV map. 

Here's the front and primary engine:

And here is the rest of the ship:

I was super happy with how these turned out, unlike the props, there's basically no pink anywhere on the UV. Next sprint will be taking place over break, but I still plan on doing lot of work, primarily texturing.


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