373 Final: Sprint 3
This sprint was pretty modeling heavy. I the hut/house completed, which will be dotted around the map. More importantly though, I started and completed the Mantis, which is the ship in the game. The hut is pretty basic geometry, while bevels and extrusions in most areas to add more detail and depth. Since it's rather low in Tri count, we can have lots of them in our scene without worrying about hitting the Polycount limit.
I used three different references primarily for the ship, A early version of the model, some concept art, and a in-game picture from the customization menu.
One of the nice things about the Mantis, is that it comes with a lot of skins. So once I get to the texturing portion, not only do I have a lot of colors and materials I can work with, but also a ton of different patterns. Below is my completed model of the Mantis.
I'm not finalized whether or not the ship will be on the ground or in the air. Currently I plan on it to be flying, so the landing gear is not visible. If my group decides it would fit the scene better if it was on the ground, then I'll model the three landing gear as well.
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